Portale finanziato nell'ambito del progetto PriMED



Il workshop, organizzato presso l’Università degli Studi dell’Insubria in associazione con la Winter School dal medesimo titolo, ha inteso investigare il ruolo che i diritti umani riconosciuti a livello universale possono giocare nella costruzione di società inclusive e coese, aperte alla partecipazione e garanti dei diritti fondamentali dei consociati partendo dal concreto vissuto cittadino e, in particolare, dal vissuto di alcune città emblematiche dello spazio geopolitico mediterraneo.

Il workshop si è interrogato sul rapporto tra tradizioni religiose del Mediterraneo (ebraismo, cristianesimo ed islam), diritti umani universali e governo cittadino investigando i momenti di raccordo e quelli di tensioni nella gestione politica di un pluralismo sempre più complesso. Il workshop ha visto la partecipazione di docenti delle Università PrIMED consorziate e di altri attori, anche stakeholders di organizzazioni impegnate sul campo.


La giornata

PriMED project


The PRIMED project, Prevention and Interaction in the Trans-Mediterranean Space, addresses, in an interdisciplinary perspective, the cognitive and operational needs connected to the integration processes in Italy and the fight against radicalization, around three axes:

  1. Scientific cooperation between Italy and OCI countries on the issues of integration and radicalization, through the establishment of an inter-university network of students, researchers and teachers, inspired by the Learning by sharing model (12 ITALIAN AND 10 FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES) *;
  2. Training of the actors of integration policies and fight against radicalization operating in local authorities, prefectures, penitentiary administration and state police, schools, social and health structures and in the economic field;
  3. Training of religious leaders, imams and murshidat, for a fruitful integration of their functions in Italy.

* Italian Universities: University of Eastern Piedmont; University of Padua; University of Insubria; University of Turin; University of Ferrara; University of Milan; University of Milan Bicocca; Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan; University of Rome 3; University Campus Link; LUM; University of Bari “Aldo Moro”.

Foreign Universities of OCI Countries: Cairo University (Egypt); Mohammed V University of Rabat (Morocco); University of Tunis-Carthage (Tunisia); International University of Rabat (Morocco); Hassan II University of Casablanca (Morocco); Sultan M. Slimane University of Beni Mellal (Morocco); University Saint-Joseph of Beirut (Lebanon); University of Abéché (Chad); Ziane Achour University of Djelfa (Algeria); Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey (Niger)

The PRIMED Project is characterized by the distinguished and consolidated experience of research and of international and institutional cooperation, in the specific themes of the call, of the involved universities.
Among others, the following should be noted:

  1. The establishment of the FIDR – International Forum for Democracy & Religions – Interuniversity Research Center, which today brings together twelve Italian Universities (University of Eastern Piedmont, State University of Milan, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, University of Milan Bicocca, University of Insubria, University of Padua, University of Turin, University of Ferrara, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, LUM, University of Rome 3, University of Rome “La Sapienza”);
  2. The three-year experience (2010-2013), within the FIDR actions, of the project “New religious presences in Italy. A path of integration”, financed by the Compagnia di San Paolo in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and focused on the civic and civil training of the leaders of Muslim associations in Italy;
  3. Training of stakeholders and representatives of Muslim communities (Padua – Eastern Piedmont);
  4. The Master in European Islamic Studies and training for imams and Murshidats and ministers of worship working in the prison context (Padua-Eastern Piedmont);
  5. The Master in Terrorism, Prevention of Radicalization and Interreligious and Intercultural Integration (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”)
  6. The Research projects on radicalization processes of the Universities of Padua, Cattolica of Milan and Padua, Rome 3, Turin, Link Campus University;
  7. The REDESM Center – “Religions, Rights and Economies in the Mediterranean Space” (University of Insubria), on juridical-economic cooperation with OCI countries;
  8. The double degree course of the University of Turin with the Université Mohammed VI of Rabat (Morocco)
  9. The participation of scholars from partner universities in the Commission of the Presidency of the Council on radicalization and in the Council for Italian Islam of the Ministry of the Interior.