Portale finanziato nell'ambito del progetto PriMED



The Master in “Religion, Politics and Citizenship” is a one-year multi-disciplinary postgraduate program.
It equips the students with methodological tools that are necessary to access the world of knowledge of philosophy and social, human and political sciences with the aim of understanding and analyzing the complex relationship between religion and politics in the modern state and its correlation with issues of citizenship, freedoms, pluralism, development and social peace. The Master’s program also pays particular attention to the social and cultural presence of Islam in Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, particularly with regard to the current major geopolitical and international issues, in order to train researchers as well as consultants in public and pri- vate administrations, managers and supervisors in the fields of civil society, social services and cultural mediation as well as education executives in the fields related to the Master’s disciplines, researchers in philosophical and Islamic studies, local community leaders and activists in the fields of culture, society, politics and communication.
The Master’s program also aims to train researchers in political philosophy, social science and religious thought, by following the scientific method that entitles them to approach issues of cultural pluralism, religious coexistence and Islamic movements in Europe and the Arab world, and allows them to manage difference, diversity and co-existence, by adopting a critical, multi-disciplinary and multicultural approach. Thus, the Master’s program has in place innovative scientific teaching methods based on: • The evaluation of knowledge and experience developed by the student, in accordance with the theoretical model of “Community Practice”.
• The evaluation of daily work experiences and daily life.
• The effective participation of students according to the “cooperative learning” approach. To achieve these goals, the Master in “Religion, Politics and Citizenship” brings together a teaching faculty of distinguished professors from the University of Padua and the University of Piemonte Orientale, as well as professors from other Italian, Arab and European universities

The Teaching Faculty of the Master's Program Includes

Stefano Allievi, Director of Master’s Program in “Religion, Politics and Citizenship”, University of Padua, Italy
Hassan Al Amri, The Interuniversity Center for Culture, Law and Reli- gions, University of the Eastern Piemonte, Italy
Radwan al-Sayed, The American University of Beirut, AUB, Lebanon
Paolo Branca, Catholic University of Milan, Italy
• Adone Brandalise, University of Padua, Italy
Saif Benabdennour, University Mohamed1, Morocco
Mohammed Bensalah, Ege Rabat, Morocco
Najib Bounahai, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
Said Chabbar, University of Moulay Soulaimane, Beni Mellal, Morocco
Mustapha Chagdali, International Institute for Tourism, Tangiers, Morocco
Farid El Asri, Université Internationale de Rabat, Morocco
Mohammed El Hachimi, National Human Rights Council, Morocco
Djilali El Mestari, Research Center in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Crasc), Algeria
Mustapha El Mourabit, the Council of the Moroccan Community Li- ving Abroad (CCME), Morocco

Alesandro Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy
Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan and Catholic University of Leuven. Visiting professor at the University of California Berkeley, USA
Alessandra Gaetani, University of Insubria, Italy
Mariachiara Giorda, University of Roma Tre, Italy
Renzo Guolo, University of Padua, Italy
Mohammed Hashas, Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose-FSCIRE Bologna, Islamic Studies, La Pira, Research Library, Palermo, Italy
Mohamed Mahjoub, University of Tunis, Tunis
Roberto Mazzola, Director of The Interuniversity Center for Culture, Law and Religions, University of the Eastern Piemonte, Italy
Enzo Pace, International Society for the Sociology of Religion/ University of Padua, Italy
Khalid Mohammed Rhazzali, University of Padova, Italy
Vincenzo Romania, University of Padua, Italy
Valentina Schiavinato, University of Padova, Italy

Alesandro Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy
Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan and Catholic University of Leuven. Visiting professor at the University of California Berkeley, USA
Alessandra Gaetani, University of Insubria, Italy
Mariachiara Giorda, University of Roma Tre, Italy
Renzo Guolo, University of Padua, Italy
Mohammed Hashas, Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose-FSCIRE Bologna, Islamic Studies, La Pira, Research Library, Palermo, Italy
Mohamed Mahjoub, University of Tunis, Tunis
Roberto Mazzola, Director of The Interuniversity Center for Culture, Law and Religions, University of the Eastern Piemonte, Italy
Enzo Pace, International Society for the Sociology of Religion/ University of Padua, Italy
Khalid Mohammed Rhazzali, University of Padova, Italy
Vincenzo Romania, University of Padua, Italy
Valentina Schiavinato, University of Padova, Italy

University of Padua

The University of Padua is a leading Italian university located in Padua, Italy. It was founded in 1222 as a law school and was one of the most eminent universities of the European Renaissance.
It is among the oldest universities in the world, and the second oldest university in Italy. The University of Padua is one of the best universities in Italy.
It is often ranked first among the major Italian universities.

University of
Piemonte Orientale

The University of Piemonte Orientale is a distinguished Italian public university.
In addition to its eminent scientific committee , it is also characterized by the breadth of its branches, established in the cities of Alessandria, Novara and Vercelli.

The Institute of Research
and Higher Studies of Granada

The Institute of Research and Higher Studies of Granada is a Spanish independent nonprofit cultural and intellectual academic institution that aims to contribute to the building of a scientific space ruled by scientific research standards, cultural renewal values and principles of pluralism, coexistence, tolerance and cooperation, through the adoption of complementary approaches between various scientific fields, the promo- tion of the studies of Islamic civilization and Western civilization and the consolidation of the values of scientific cooperation.

Program of the Master

The Master’s program consists of 10 modules divided as follows:

  1. Sociology and Anthropology of Religion and Politics (6 ECTS )
  2. History and Philosophy of Religions (4 ECTS )
  3. Political Philosophy and History of Political Thought (2 ECTS)
  4. Religion, Law and Politics in Contemporary Societies (7 ECTS )
  5. Culture, Society and Globalization Processes (6 ECTS )
  6. State, Citizenship and Civil Society (7 ECTS )
  7. Cultural Diversity, Religious Pluralism and Intercultural Mediation (3 ECTS)
  8. Religions and Migration (3 ECTS)
  9. Religion, Market and New Media (3 ECTS)
  10. Religious Extremism and Violence in the Contemporary World (7 ECTS)


is completed both remotely and in presence of the students, in the context of lectures, seminars and workshops.

Main Themes
of the Master
  • Political science and history of political ideas
  • Social, religious and human sciences
  • Religious movements and experiences in Europe
  • Islamic political movements in the Arab world
  • Issues of Religion, Politics and Citizenship in Europe and the Arab World
of Application

The students must be in possession of a university degree:
Bachelor’s de- gree (or equivalent) at least.


The Master consists of 60 credits (ECTS) (according to the European Stan- dard System).


La didattica in presenza si effettuerà utilizzando differenti metodi di apprendimento con un approccio partecipativo. Sono previste anche attività di insegnamento a distanza (e-learning, social network).Le lezioni in presenza si svolgeranno nei giorni di sabato presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova, nelle aule del Dipartimento FISPPA, sede di Sociologia. Il Master prevede un impegno complessivo di 1500 ore:300 ore di didattica (frontale, seminariale, laboratoriale e a distanza);200 ore di apprendimento pratico (stage o project work);950 ore di studio individuale (auto-formazione sostenuta dalla fornitura di materiali di studio, stesura della relazione di stage o del project work e della tesi).A conclusione del Master è prevista la discussione di una tesi.La frequenza è obbligatoria e le assenze non possono superare il 30% delle ore di didattica.

For Whom
is this Master?

The Master is dedicated to any person that is interested in the subjects of the program, from all disciplines and countries (Bachelor or license degree holders).

of the Master

The Master is taught in English and Arabic.