Portale finanziato nell'ambito del progetto PriMED


In order to strengthen the scientific partnership between the University of Padua, the University of Eastern Piedmont and the International University of Rabat, and to promote academic training and scientific cooperation between the countries of Europe and the Islamic world within the framework of the activities of the international scientific network PriMEDNetwork (https://www.primednetwork.eu/), the fourth Edition of the International Master in Religion, Politics and Global Society – IMRPGS has recently been launched for the academic year 2024-2025.

تعزيزا للشراكة العلمية بين جامعة بادوفا وجامعة بييمونتي أورينتالي والجامعة الرباط الدولية وعملا على الارتقاء بالتكوين الأكاديمي والتعاون العلمي بين الدول الأوروبية والعالم الاسلامي في إطار أنشطة الشبكة العلمية الدولية بريماد، تم إطلاق النسخة الرابعة من برنامج الماستر الدولي في الدين والسياسة والمجتمع العالمي للسنة الجامعية 2024 – 2025 .

Afin de renforcer le partenariat scientifique entre l’Université de Padoue, l’Université du Piémont Oriental et l’Université Internationale de Rabat, et de promouvoir la formation académique et la coopération scientifique entre les pays d’Europe et du monde islamique dans le cadre des activités du réseau scientifique international   PriMEDNetwork (https://www.primednetwork.eu), la quatrième Edition de l’International Master in Religion, Politics and Global Society – IMRPGS vient d’être lancée pour l’année académique 2024-2025.

The idea of the “International Master in Religion, Politics and Global Society- IMRPGS” was born within the framework of a consolidated scientific cooperation, thanks to the PriMED network (composed of 22 universities: 12 Italian and 10 belonging to the OIC-Organization of Islamic Cooperation https://primed-miur.it), founded within the framework of the action of the “Prevention and Interaction Project in the Trans- Mediterranean- Space” PriMED, which was financed through the Call for Applications of the Italian Ministry of University and Research – MUR-OCI-2018 “Creation of networks of Italian universities in the implementation of cooperation agreements between Italian universities and those of OIC-Organization of Islamic Cooperation States” (Executive Decree No. 3089 of 16/11/2018 – ID 82382). The intense framework of the scientific activities of the PriMED Project, but also the various actions addressed to the public sectors and civil society (the professional training of various professional categories, including those of a religious nature, its training activities aimed at a wider public concerning the phenomenon of violent radicalisation and strategies to combat it), have promoted the development of this international study path, involving three units ofthe PriMED network, with the collaboration of professors from other units in other countries. The project also enhances the experience of three rounds (2017-2020) of the “Master in Religions, Politics and Citizenship”, implemented by the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Padua, with the collaboration of the Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores de Granada. The new didactic proposal, the IMRPGS, in fact, is conceived as the continuation of this last Master, but brought to a higher degree of internationalization with the entry of the International University of Rabat.

Prof. Stefano Allievi
Director of the IMRPGS Master, University of Padua, Italy

Prof. Farid al Asri
Co-Executive Director of Maser IMRPGS and Director of the Center for Global Studies (CGS), International University of Rabat, Morocco

Prof. Roberto Mazzola
Member of the Board of Directors of the FIDR Interuniversity Centre, University of Piedmont Oriental, Italy

Prof. Mohammed Khalid Brandalise Rhazzali

Co-Executive Director of Maser IMRPGS, Deputy Director of the FIDR Interuniversity Centre, University of Padua, Italy

Mounya Allali, University of Piedmont Oriental, Italy
Mohammed Addi, Adam’s Centre for Research and Studies, Switzerland
Valentina Schiavinato, University of Padua, Italy
Salssabil Bouray, International University of Rabat, Morocco

Hassan Alamri, University of Piedmont Oriental, Italy
Marya Mohammed Ali Alhattali, Mohammed Bin Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, Émirats Arabes Unis.
Stefano Allievi, University of Padua, Italy
Hamid Boudar, University Mohammed V Rabat, Maroc
Adone Brandalise, University of Padua, Italy
Paolo Branca, Catholic University of Milan, Italy
Farid El Asri, International University of Rabat, Morocco
Djilali Elmestari, Center for Anthropological, Social and Cultural Research, Algeria
Mariachiara Giorda, University Rome III, Italy
Abdellatif Kidai, Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco
Khalid Mayar Elidrissi, Moroccan Center for International and Prospective Studies, Morocco
Roberto Mazzola, University of Piedmont Oriental, Italy
Beatriz Mesa, International University of Rabat, Morocco
Paolo Naso, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Enzo Pace, University of Padua, Italy
Hassan Rachik, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco
Mohammed Kerrou, El-Manar University, Tunisia
Mohammed Khalid Brandalise Rhazzali, University of Padua, Italy
Vincenzo Romania, University of Padua, Italy
Giuseppina Scala, University of Padua, Italy


Rkia Achmal, University Mohammed V Rabat, Morocco
Hassan Aourid, Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco
Abderrahim El Atri, University Mohammed V Rabat, Morocco
Zakaria Boudhim, Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco
Patrice Brodeur, Institute of Religious Studies, University of Montreal, Canada
Ahmed Boukili, Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco
Andrea Celli, University of Connecticut, USA
Abdelatif Hannachi, Manouba University, Tunis
Rachid Hajbi, Mohammed I University Oujda, Morocco
Alessandro Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy
Faruk Karaarslan, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Sara Mejdoubi, Internationale University Rabat, Morocco
Ahmad Mamdouh Ahmed, Dar Al-Ifta Al-Missriyyah-Al Azhar University, Egypt
Geraldine Mossiére, Montreal University, Canada
Mùserref Yardin, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Ahmed Zayed, Cairo University, Egypt
Ida Zilio Grandi, Italian Cultural Institute of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Mohammed Addi, Adam’s Centre for Research and Studies, Switzerland
Antonio Angelucci, University of Insubria, Como, Italy
Moudar Al Debis, Syrian Society of Social Sciences, Qatar
Mounya Allali, University of Piedmont Oriental, Italy
Hassan Al-Marzouqi, Interuniversity Center FIDR-Research Unit of the University of Padua, Italy
Ghaleb Al Zamel, Saudi Research and Media Group, Saudi Arabia
Kacem Garbi, Centre for Economic and Social Studies and Research, Tunis
Mohammed Hashas, Luiss University, Rome, Italy
Mohammad Mahmoud Bani Amer, Muhanna Foundation for Training and Education, Lebanon
Hussain Bokubar, Kuwait Ministry of Health, Kuwait
Nicola di Mauro, University of Naples l’Orientale, Italy
Hassan Mohamed Mohamed Mostafa, Salam Center for Extremism Studies, Dar Al- Ifta Al-Missriyyah, Egypt
Angelica Palmeggiani, Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco
Valentina Schiavinato, University of Padua, Italy

Duration: annual
Application Deadline: by August 14, 2024, 12:00 Italian time
Publication of Ranking List: by September 23, 2024, Italian time
Application for Enrollment: until November 30, 2024, 12:00 Italian time

Registration Fee: (€ 6,000.00/€3,000.00) to be paid to the Université Internationale de Rabat.
Start of Classes: December 2024


According to art. 10 and art. 11 of the agreement between the three partner universities in this Master, the International University of Rabat, manages the aspects relating to registration fees and financial assistance. Scholarships are awarded to certain students on the basis of merit and economic conditions, to cover all or part of the registration fees.

Candidates must produce evidence of academic excellence and evidence of socio-economic needs. The financial support programs will be of two types. Candidates are entitled to choose only one type of scholarship.

A) Full coverage of university tuition fees: (€6000);
B) Partial coverage of 50% of the registration fee (€3000).

A study prize of € 1000 is awarded to the student with the highest score.

It should be noted that the decision on the scholarships will be taken by a committee which will assess the scholarship applications independently from the normal registration procedures. Any request for a scholarship requires a procedure specific to the committee. In the event that the scholarship is not awarded, the committee is not held responsible for the candidate’s return to the admitted list or to the same position in case of the candidates who are on the waiting list. The committee cannot also be held responsible for the impossibility of registration and does not have to justify its selection criteria or its non-award of scholarships.

Ranking list
Interviews list