Portale finanziato nell'ambito del progetto PriMED

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria

Alessandro Ferrari

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria

Alessandro Ferrari is Professor of State Laws and Religions and Comparative Law of Religions at the University of Insubria (Varese and Como) and is the present director of REDESM.
He is associated member of GSRL, the CNRS Research Group Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (Paris) and of the Unité Mixte de Recherche Droit, Religion, Entreprise et Société of the Strasbourg University and CNRS. He is member of the coordination of the network PLURIEL-Linking Researchers on Islam and Dialogue (https://pluriel.fuce.eu).
Since 2010 he has been member of the different Councils for the relations with Islam established at the Italian Home Ministry.
His research interests focus on the legal status of Muslims in Europe, the transformation of European secularism and the religious freedom across the two Mediterranean shores.
He has been Visiting Fellow at the Islamic Legal Studies Program of the Harvard Law School (2019), invited Directeur d’Études at the École Pratiques des Hautes Études – Paris (2018) and Roberta Buffett Visiting Scholar at the Northwestern University (2014).
His current research project concerns the development of the right to religious freedom between the two Mediterranean shores read through the prism of the legal treatment of the “Muslim headscarf.”
His publications are available at the page https://www.uninsubria.it/hpp/alessandro.ferrari

Antonio Angelucci

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria

Antonio Angelucci – LLM, MA and PhD in Philosophy of Law – is Associate Professor of Law and Religion at the University of Insubria.
He is a Lawyer and Expert of MENA Area.
Member of the College of the Doctoral School of Law and Human Sciences, University of Insubria.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Research Centre REDESM at the University of Insubria.
Member of the Scientific Council of the FILIS Master at the University of Insubria.
Former Member of the Working Group for the survey on the definition of anti-Semitism approved by the IHRA – International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance – at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Rome.
Former Directive Board at the Primed MIUR International Research Project.
He is assertive and resilient; skilled in business thinking, legal and strategic research, problem solving, mediation and litigation.
He boasts an abundant scientific production and important affiliations recognized at international level.

Flavia Cortelezzi

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria

Flavia Cortelezzi is Associate Professor of Political Economy in the Department of Law, Economics and Culture, at Insubria University Como (Italy) and Deputy Director of the Research Center “Religions, Rights and Economies in the Mediterranean Space” (REDESM) at the same university.
Besides Insubria University, she is currently teaching at the Catholic University of Milan.
After receiving a Laurea Degree summa cum laude in Economics at the Catholic University of Milan she received a Master of Arts in Economics at the Université Catholique de Louvain la Neuve and Ph.D degree in Economics from the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. During her PhD, she had been MPhil research student at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) She is currently leading international projects, such as the economic area of PRIMED.
Her research interests relate to the theory of the firm, focusing on such topics as innovation, investments, financial decisions, capital structure and strategies of firms in local economic systems.
Actually, she is looking at these topics in Mediterranean areas. She has a broad range of publications both in national and international journals.
She is the editor of several international books.
In 2021 she has been positively evaluated to serve as Full Professor.

Alessandro Cupri

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria

Alessandro Cupri is a PhD candidate in Law and Pluralism at the University of Milan-Bicocca. He is awaiting his research thesis entitled “Principles of Islamic finance in non-Islamic legal contexts: Potentialities and perspectives of Islamic finance in Italy” to be discussed, which has already been positively evaluated.
Additionally, he collaborates in Ecclesiastical Law, Canon Law, and Comparative Law of Religions under Professor Alessandro Ferrari and Professor Antonio Angelucci at the University of Insubria.
Alessandro Cupri collaborated on the FAMI Project in 2022 for the Ministero dell’Interno-Forum Internazionale Democrazie & Religioni (FIDR)-REMIND, with scientific responsibility assigned to Prof. Alessandro Ferrari. Additionally, a resolution from the Scientific Council designates Cupri as a member of the research centre for Religions, Rights and Economies in the Mediterranean Space (REDESM).
He is a member of the editorial board at the Observatory of the Bilap Departmental Study Centre – University of Milan-Bicocca and works with the research group Atlas of Religious or Belief Minorities Rights, under the scientific leadership of Prof. Silvio Ferrari.
He worked as a visiting scholar at the Institut suisse de droit comparé research centre in Lausanne, specifically in the Droit Islamique section during the year 2022. The study investigated Islamic finance in Europe, leading to the publication of a scholarly article the next year.
The focus of his research is on legal and religious pluralism, alongside the socio-economic integration of Muslim communities in Italy.
He strives to develop a thorough scientific understanding of Islamic law. Recently, he has taken an interest in kafalah matters concerning the best interests of children in the European context, particularly considering the rulings made by the Italian and French courts.
Still on the topic of law and religion, the author has focused on safeguarding the religious liberty of “trendy” organizations and its correlation with the employee’s individual rights in supranational jurisprudence over the last three years.

Fedor Arkhipov

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria

Born in Moscow, Russia in 1997.
Degree in Law at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2019
Master of Arts in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Manchester (in collaboration with the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences), 2021
Master of Law at the the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2022
Master of Theology (Canon Law) at the Institute for Postgraduate Studies of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Moscow, 2022 From 2022 to today – doctoral student at the Italian Doctoral School in Religious Sciences (the University of Modena in collaboration with the University of Insubria).
Thesis topic: “Law and religion in Putin’s Russia based on the analysis of the information-thematic overview of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation”.

Gaia Federica Tarabiono

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria

PhD student at DREST (Italian Doctoral School of Religious Studies – Unimore), curriculum “Law and Religion”, carries out the research activity on “The Worship Buildings Fund (Fondo Edifici di Culto)” at the University of Insubria, where she collaborates with the chairs of Ecclesiastical Law and Canon Law.
She takes part in the Research Project “Atlas of Religious or Belief Minority Rights”, directed by Prof. Silvio Ferrari.
She is subject expert in Canon Law at the University of Milan, where she graduated in Law in 2019 defending the thesis “Apostasy in Abrahamic religions”.
In 2021 she obtained the 2nd level Master’s Degree in Forensic Psychopathology and Clinical Criminology, defending the thesis “The Psychological Reactance Theory applied to the enforced women’s cloistered life and to the COVID-19 lockdown: social and criminological prospects”.
She then furthered her training with the study of clinical-criminological treatment of recidivism prevention for abusers and sex offenders and by collaborating in assisting victims of violence, domestic abuse, stalking.
Enrolled in the Italian Society of Criminology.
She has published in “Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica” and “Diritto Penale e Uomo – Criminal Law and Human Condition”.